America's Lady of Supernatural Thrillers

“Raven's Cove, a great mystery by Mary Ann Poll. Avoid it when winds are gusting to hurricane speed outside. No extra creepiness needed.”
~Bonnye Matthews
Step aside Stephen King, Alaska’s Mary Ann Poll is here to spin new tales of the super-natural and the ungodly, as her heroes and heroines take on the forces of evil on 'The Last Frontier.' ~Jeff Babcock

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Hello From a New Author

I have been blessed with success of Ravens Cove: An Alaska Iconoclast Mystery. So, I am in the process of continuing the series and have begun the rewriting process for the second book.  It is not any easier than the first!  I have learned not to assume anything – but old habits die hard.  Thought it would be like housework – having done it before, it should be easier this time.  Nope.  This is more like starting a new job – the skills are honed but all the people and different – or they've changed.  Still, writing is in my blood, as it were.  Sometimes, I don't want to do it but I HAVE to.  So, the second novel is in the works.

I have enjoyed book signings for Ravens Cove at Costco, the Anchorage Museum, University of Alaska-Anchorage and The AppleTree Book Store in Eagle River, Alaska among many.  I have met so many wonderful people.  And, I've watched with wonder as iRavens Cove sold from Amazon and Barnes and Noble both as a paperback and in ebook format.  Right now, the book is at an international book faire because my publisher (Publication Consultants) has faith it.  There could be no higher compliment that I could think of!  Thank you, Evan Swenson – publisher, mentor, and friend.

I will be moving along to Anchor Point and Homer Alaska for much of the summer and look forward to book signings there.  The first may be an informal one at Kyllonen's RV Park over Memorial Day weekend.  Maybe I'll see some of you there.  Until tomorrow – write on – it's worth it! Mary Ann

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