As a little-known author, my life consists of much more than writing. I dream of the day I can delegate some of the household chores so I can spend more time on my writing. Until then, like most women who do not work out of the home, I am responsible for our household. And, like many others, I am blessed with a good-size household – my husband, myself, my mother-in-law, and our 21-year old son. Then, there are the 3 dogs and a cat. (By the way, these all make for good writing material – I hardly have to leave home to find a new character!)
Today iis my son's 21st birthday. A very special day indeed. So, in addition to finding time to continue the rewrite of the 2nd book, I am off to do the errands for our household and get a birthday celebration together.
On the bright side (for a writer), it is a beautiful day where I live in Alaska. The sun is shining. There is promise of warmth. The song birds have returned and I smile everytime I hear a robin singing for a mate. I am looking at Mt. Susitna as I write this. Perpetually coverd in snow and today white and dark blue against a clear chrystalline sky. I need to go no further for inspiration. I am so blessed to have it in my own back yard….. Well, off to begin a beautiful day. No matter what, write on – its worth it! Mary Ann