Category Archives: Supernatural Thrillers
What does the word Iconoclast mean? This question is one of the most frequent I am asked at book signings. The definition of iconoclast is: a person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions. a destroyer of images used in religious … Continue reading
Divination is the attempt to foretell the future or discover occult knowledge by interpreting omens or by using paranormal or supernatural powers. Most of us are familiar with crystal balls, Ouija boards, astrology. Even the old childhood game of “he/she … Continue reading
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE With the national interest in vampires, the undead and macabre, why hasn’t someone anchored the story in Alaska? Well, now they have. In her second book, Ingress, Mary Ann Poll presents an Edgar Allen Poe style tale where … Continue reading
Steven C. Levi PO Box241467 Anchorage,AK 99524 Phone:337-2021 THE EVIL LURKING IN COOK INLET Yes, evil is lurking in Cook Inlet. Specifically it’s lurking in Ravens Cove, a small community in Cook Inlet. Don’t know where … Continue reading
As a writer of supernatural thrillers, I am always curious about the paranormal. I watch Ghost Hunters, The Dead Files and read a variety of paranormal news almost on a daily basis. As readers of paranormal fiction, I’d imagine your … Continue reading